Potbelly Pigs are said to be one of the most intelligent of all creatures, right behind humans, monkeys, dolphins, and whales! Sometimes misunderstood, owners feel they need to find them new homes and aren’t willing to understand their needs. Through education, most owners and their pig pets live a very long, happy life together, and that is the best we can ask for! If you need any help or guidance with ideas or behavior issues or have any questions about your pig, please complete our contact form, and a volunteer will get back to you right away! We offer free education services for understanding and training your pig!
Tips on Choosing Pigs for Pets
An unspayed female pig goes into heat every 21 days, and an unneutered boar stinks. Also, if you think dogs humping everything is unacceptable, pigs are 10 times worse! The point here is pigs aren’t good pets if they’re not spayed/neutered. Not to mention, it’s the law here in Vegas, and you can’t own an unfixed potbelly here without a permit. If you fix your potbelly piglet as young as six weeks for males and eight weeks for females, you will have no problems! They not only make a better pet, but it will also be more than half the price! We can eliminate the need for so many unwanted pigs if owners and breeders just fix their pigs when they are piglets! Also, if you see a piglet for sale is less than 8 lbs, don’t buy it! It’s too young, and it’s illegal for anyone to sell a piglet under 8 lbs! In considering a pig as a pet, ask yourself, is there such a thing as a "miniature pig" or a "teacup pig"? So many pigpet owners buy a piglet on the "promise" the little baby will grow up to be a teacup mini lap pig. How do you keep a pig small? The same way you keep a anything small! STARVE IT! BUT would you starve your child? If not, please don't buy a pig for its size! And the most important question to ask before you get a pig... Is your home ZONED to keep a potbelly pigpet? Click this ZONING INFORMATIONto check out your city/county zoning for Southern NV! (Yes, Potbelly Pigs were just added to the City of Henderson in low residential areas!) (Also, check with your HOA as most DO NOT allow any Pig as a Pet!)
Adopt an Adorable PigPet
We try to match applicants to the pig that fits you to ensure a happy ending! See our “Adoption Outline” below. We do have an adoption process as we are a 501(c)(3) rescue, registered and approved by our city and county shelters. If you are interested in adopting a pig, please contact Janice@windys.org
Our Adoption Process Outline
1 --- After we receive your form, it will give us an idea on what your expectations are for bringing a pig into your family. If you have any of our specific pigs in mind, some questions may not apply. It looks extensive, but we try to match each pig with a perfect home.2 --- We will then set up a home check. This helps us know where the pig will live and whether it will be safe once it goes to its new home. If any recommendations, we will assist you with any necessary arrangements.3 --- Once we find a match, we ask for a $100 (adults) - $200-250 (piglets) adoption donation fee. This doesn’t cover our vet/spay/neuter costs, but it shows your willingness to spend money your pig pet will require in the future and gives you a vested interest in your new family member! VegasPigPets does graciously accept donations to cover the additional costs of vetting these pigs that need homes.4 --- Once we bring your pig into your home, we require a signed Adoption Agreement that says that you will return the pig to us should the adoption not work out, and you will keep us updated as to its progress in becoming a part of your family. We may do up to 2 home follow-ups in the first year you adopt the pig to ensure you are not having behavioral problems and the whole household is getting along well! We are here for guidance and education and will always be available for the life of that pig should you need us! It seems like an extensive process, but we want you to know all the pros and cons before bringing home a pig so you can commit that 15 - 20 years your pig will require of you and your family!
Surrender Info
If you feel like you can’t handle your pig anymore, please know that we can’t take in any new pigs right now, but we would help you by doing courtesy listings and networking for you on Petfinder and Adopt-a-Pet. VegasPigPets will be strictly providing educational and behavioral support, but please contact Janice@windys.org
Potbelly Pigs are said to be one of the most intelligent of all creatures, right behind humans, monkeys, dolphins, and whales! Sometimes misunderstood, owners feel they need to find them new homes and aren’t willing to understand their needs. Through education, most owners and their pig pets live a very long, happy life together, and that is the best we can ask for! If you need any help or guidance with ideas or behavior issues or have any questions about your pig, please complete our contact form, and a volunteer will get back to you right away! We offer free education services for understanding and training your pig!
Tips on
Choosing Pigs
for Pets
An unspayed female pig goes into heat every 21 days, and an unneutered boar stinks. Also, if you think dogs humping everything is unacceptable, pigs are 10 times worse! The point here is pigs aren’t good pets if they’re not spayed/neutered. Not to mention, it’s the law here in Vegas, and you can’t own an unfixed potbelly here without a permit. If you fix your potbelly piglet as young as six weeks for males and eight weeks for females, you will have no problems! They not only make a better pet, but it will also be more than half the price! We can eliminate the need for so many unwanted pigs if owners and breeders just fix their pigs when they are piglets! Also, if you see a piglet for sale is less than 8 lbs, don’t buy it! It’s too young, and it’s illegal for anyone to sell a piglet under 8 lbs! In considering a pig as a pet, ask yourself, is there such a thing as a "miniature pig" or a "teacup pig"? So many pigpet owners buy a piglet on the "promise" the little baby will grow up to be a teacup mini lap pig. How do you keep a pig small? The same way you keep a anything small! STARVE IT! BUT would you starve your child? If not, please don't buy a pig for its size! And the most important question to ask before you get a pig... Is your home ZONED to keep a potbelly pigpet? Click this ZONING INFORMATIONto check out your city/county zoning for Southern NV! (Yes, Potbelly Pigs were just added to the City of Henderson in low residential areas!) (Also, check with your HOA as most DO NOT allow any Pig as a Pet!)
Adopt an
We try to match applicants to the pig that fits you to ensure a happy ending! See our “Adoption Outline” below. We do have an adoption process as we are a 501(c)(3) rescue, registered and approved by our city and county shelters. If you are interested in adopting a pig, please contact Janice@windys.org
Our Adoption Process Outline
1 --- After we receive your form, it will give us an idea on what your expectations are for bringing a pig into your family. If you have any of our specific pigs in mind, some questions may not apply. It looks extensive, but we try to match each pig with a perfect home.2 --- We will then set up a home check. This helps us know where the pig will live and whether it will be safe once it goes to its new home. If any recommendations, we will assist you with any necessary arrangements.3 --- Once we find a match, we ask for a $100 (adults) - $200-250 (piglets) adoption donation fee. This doesn’t cover our vet/spay/neuter costs, but it shows your willingness to spend money your pig pet will require in the future and gives you a vested interest in your new family member! VegasPigPets does graciously accept donations to cover the additional costs of vetting these pigs that need homes.4 --- Once we bring your pig into your home, we require a signed Adoption Agreement that says that you will return the pig to us should the adoption not work out, and you will keep us updated as to its progress in becoming a part of your family. We may do up to 2 home follow-ups in the first year you adopt the pig to ensure you are not having behavioral problems and the whole household is getting along well! We are here for guidance and education and will always be available for the life of that pig should you need us! It seems like an extensive process, but we want you to know all the pros and cons before bringing home a pig so you can commit that 15 - 20 years your pig will require of you and your family!
Surrender Info
If you feel like you can’t handle your pig anymore, please know that we can’t take in any new pigs right now, but we would help you by doing courtesy listings and networking for you on Petfinder and Adopt-a-Pet. VegasPigPets will be strictly providing educational and behavioral support, but please contact Janice@windys.org